Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Lunch Today: Hot Dog or Hamburger, Fries, Fresh Tomato, Salad, Fruit, Milk

A La Carte Today: Cold Sandwiches

Breakfast Tomorrow: Cinnamon Roll, Yogurt, Fruit, Juice, Milk

Lunch Tomorrow: Chicken Leg, Mashed Potatoes, Carrots w/Ranch, Fruit, Milk

Jr./Sr. High School

If you plan to ride the shuttle bus, you MUST sign up in the LHS office the morning of!  This is very important!

REMINDER!!!!!!  If you are NOT going to be riding the bus after school, you MUST let the office know BEFORE 2 PM!!  The buses cannot leave until all riders are accounted for.  This is causing the buses to be delayed in leaving the school to get other riders home.  PLEASE let Dawn know before 2:00 if you will not be on the bus.

If you are feeling ill, please follow proper protocol by going to the Nurse, or office if the nurse is not available.  Please do not reach out to your parent from your cell phone.  The nurse or the office will reach out to your parent if there is a need. 

The LCSO is seeking volunteers to work at the Knights of Columbus fish fries every Friday from March 14 through April 11th.  Volunteers will work a 2-hour shift from 4:30 to 6:30 and get a free dinner.  Sign up with Mr. Gunn.

There will be a mandatory senior trip meeting on Wednesday April 9th 6:00pm in the library.

The Jr. High Scholastic Bowl team will be selling meat sticks in the cafeteria during lunch to raise funds for new equipment and materials. Enjoy two delicious beef sticks for just $3 while supporting the team!


Raymond Grade School

Coming Soon!!!  Panhandle Family Math/Game night will be held Tuesday, April 22, 2025 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM at the Raymond Grade School for students in grades Pre-K through 5th Grade.  There will be treats and games to play as a family.  In order to make sure we have enough treats for everyone, please return the RSVP page to your teacher to let us know you can make it!  Please  return by Monday, April 7, 2025.



MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2025

Baseball lost to Staunton

Softball won against Vandalia



Track has a meet at North Mac - 4:00

Baseball vs. Carlinville - 4:30; JV to follow

Softball @ Athens - 4:30

JH Scholastic Bowl match @ Waverly -5:00




 April 2025

Wednesday, April 9:  2 PM Dismissal – District Collaboration Day

Wednesday, April 16:  2 PM Dismissal

Thursday, April 17–Monday, April 21:  NO SCHOOL - Spring Break


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