Farmersville Grade School Announcements

Reminder!  The phone number for all of Panhandle District is 217-229-4215.   

Remember to contact the FGS office at 229-4215 or email if your student will be absent or any transportation changes for the day.  .  Please contact the FGS office before 2pm!

The FGS building is open to students at 7:45. Upon arrival at school, students are to report to the multi-purpose room.

Please check your child’s book bag/backpack on a regular basis.  There are many school days when we send home notes from the classroom or the school that will need your attention.  We will also utilize email to inform families of upcoming events and activities at the school.  If any of the information needs returned, please complete the necessary information and return it to school in a timely manner.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Breakfast/Lunch menus are available on the district website.  School lunches are free again this year! The cost of milk is $.35 (e.g. Kindergarten milk break or extra lunch milk).   Breakfast is offered at the school from 7:45 – 8:05.  Menus are subject to change daily due to product availability.

Lunch Today 3/25:  Orange chicken, rice, eggroll, fruit & milk

Breakfast 3/26: Cinnamon roll or cereal, fruit & milk

Lunch 3/26:  Cheesy beef rotini, green beans, fruit & milk



 Coming Soon!!!  Panhandle Family Math/Game night will be held Tuesday, April 22, 2025 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM at the Raymond Grade School for students in grades Pre-K through 5th Grade.  There will be treats and games to play as a family.  In order to make sure we have enough treats for everyone, please return the RSVP page to your teacher to let us know you can make it!  Please return by Monday, April 7, 2025.

Panhandle Pre-K Screenings will be held on April 14th & 15th at Farmersville Grade School by appointment only!  Your child must be 3 years old by May 30th to participate in this screening.  A second screening will be held in August for those who turn 3 during the summer months.  To schedule a screening appointment or with any questions,  please call the FGS office eat 217-229-4215.


 April 2025

Wednesday, April 9th:  2pm dismissal – District Collaboration Day

Wednesday, April 16th:  2pm dismissal

Thursday, April 17th – Monday, April 21st:  NO SCHOOL – Spring Break








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